onsdag den 10. marts 2010

A happy nation of pain killers

In a class room of eights graders at least four students have considered committing suicide. And one of them is likely to carry out that thought. Partly because they’re lonely, they said, when asked by researchers nationwide.

Suicidal behavior has exploded within the last 20 years (www.selvmordsforskning.dk/filecache/28647/1254118177/download.pdf).

Danes buy and consume a lot more pain killers than 20 years ago, and the lid of the package comes off faster. And when pills dont work, we go to experts. Put the pain in our lives in the competent hands of therapists and psychiatrists.

Since 1950‘ties the number of new psychiatric diagnoses in the ICD10-system has increased by more than 300 percent from 106 to 365 in 2000. Each diagnoses has a variety of colorful pills that makes the pain seem smaller. Less significant. But what is more significant than love, sorrow, pain, joy and happiness?

Danes have become heavy consumers of anything that keeps the pain away. Head and heart aches or life itself. Only Russians drink more alcohol than Danes, and according to statics Danes blow cocaine up their noses more frequently than any other Europeans www.information.dk/telegram/225761. Luckily, we no longer hold the record of having the highest rise in the use of anti depressives.

No wonder the Danes are the happiest people in the world - we’re doped since the beginning of childhood. And no wonder our children dismiss temporary pain for a little white tablet. One pill takes the small pain, 50 pills takes it all away. Pain, suffering and sorrow is increasingly being avoided. Because it hurts, and it takes time. But when did we start to escape events in everyday life, that reminds us how it feels to fall apart. Without dying from it. I wonder how we will choose to deal with the fact, that young people actually consider the worst possible solution to their problems?

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